
Die folgenden Informationen werden in Übereinstimmung mit der Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) bereitgestellt. Es handelt sich nicht um Marketingmaterial. Die Informationen sind gesetzlich vorgeschrieben, und es wird empfohlen, sie zusammen mit anderen relevanten Dokumenten zu lesen, damit Sie eine fundierte Entscheidung über eine Investition treffen können.

Informationen in Ihrer Sprache finden Sie in den untenstehenden Dokumentenabschnitten.

The following information is provided in accordance with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). It is not marketing material. The information is required by law, and you are advised to read it in conjunction with other relevant documentation so you can make an informed decision about whether to invest.

De volgende informatie wordt verstrekt in overeenstemming met de Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). Het is geen marketingmateriaal. De informatie is wettelijk verplicht en u wordt aangeraden deze samen met andere relevante documentatie te lezen, zodat u een weloverwogen beslissing kunt nemen om al dan niet te beleggen.

In de documentsecties hieronder vindt u de informatie in uw taal.

Følgende informasjon er avgitt i samsvar med SFDR (forordning om bærekraftsrapportering i finansnæringen). Det er ikke markedsføringsmateriale. Informasjonen er lovpålagt, og du anbefales å lese den sammen med annen relevant dokumentasjon, slik at du kan ta en informert beslutning om å investere.

Hvis du ønsker ha informasjon på ditt eget språk, kan du se inndelingene i dokumentet nedenfor.

Följande information tillhandahålls i enlighet med förordningen om hållbarhetsupplysningar (SFDR). Det är inte reklammaterial. Informationen krävs enligt lag, och du uppmanas att läsa den tillsammans med annan relevant dokumentation så att du kan fatta ett välgrundat beslut huruvida du ska investera.

Mer information om ditt språk finns i dokumentets avsnitt nedan.

Dimensional Funds - Website Disclosures Overview

The disclosures available below include the following funds managed by Dimensional and are kept up to date. A history of disclosure updates and versions is available at the bottom of the page.

Fund                                                            Legal Entity Identifier       Disclosure Publication    Latest Update    Latest Version
Global Sustainability Core Equity Fund 549300Q5ZIVN600SQ361 19.12.2022    September 2024 v.5.0.0  
Global Sustainability Targeted Value Fund 213800MFVHYQNIYUVF39
08.09.2023 September 2024 v.5.0.0  
Emerging Markets Sustainability Core Equity Fund 549300OY2XBGDINEI032 19.12.2022    September 2024 v.5.0.0 
World Sustainability Equity Fund
19.12.2022   September 2024  v.5.0.0   
Global Sustainability Fixed Income Fund 549300CE3MISHPNECC53
19.12.2022   September 2024  v.5.0.0     
Global Sustainability Short Fixed Income Fund 549300IK6GE6PKDVY419 19.12.2022   September 2024   v.5.0.0    
Global Sustainability High Profitability Fund  213800DZH1INST1FQT21
02.07.2024  September 2024 v.5.0.0  


Dimensional Funds - Disclosure Update History

The pre-contractual disclosures and website disclosures for all Dimensional Sustainability Funds were amended. The disclosure versions for the pre-contractual disclosures / website disclosures were therefore updated to v.5 / v.5.0.0.

All funds are now categorised as promoting “E/S characteristics but will not make any sustainable investments” and the following sentence has been included “While the fund does not seek to make EU Taxonomy-aligned investments, it may end up holding such sustainable investments and such incidental holding, if any, will be disclosed in the Annual Report of the fund.”

For Equity funds, the sentence “The fund generally seeks to invest in direct holdings and a minimum of 90% of its investments will be aligned with the E/S characteristics (#1) promoted by the fund” has been included, and similarly and for Fixed Income funds “The fund generally seeks to invest in direct holdings and a minimum of 67% of its investments will be corporate, agency and supranational bonds aligned with the E/S characteristics (#1) promoted by the fund.”

Additionally, the Global High Profitability Fund now includes the Legal Entity Identifier (“LEI”).

Updates were made to the Sustainability Risks Policy Summary, e.g., to include additional information with respect to the investment philosophy, the general investment process and investment stewardship.

The pre-contractual disclosures and website disclosures for all Dimensional Sustainability Funds were amended. The disclosure versions for the pre-contractual disclosures / website disclosures were therefore updated to v.4 / v.4.0.0. Main changes:

All Funds have lowered the revenue thresholds for determining material involvement in palm oil and factory farming activities from 20% to 10%.

Additionally, the Global Sustainability Targeted Value Fund now excludes companies identified as operating in a manner inconsistent with responsible business conduct standards, such as those defined by the UN Global Compact Principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, because of material involvement in severe controversies related to the environment (e.g. land use and biodiversity, toxic spills and releases, operational waste or water management), society (e.g. child labour or human rights) or corporate governance (e.g. corruption or fraud).

As a result, the Environmental/Social (E/S) characteristics of the Global Sustainability Targeted Value Fund were regrouped and a new E/S characteristic was added to the Fund.

The pre-contractual disclosures and website disclosures for the Global Sustainability Core Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Sustainability Core Equity Fund, World Sustainability Equity Fund, Global Sustainability Fixed Income Fund and Global Sustainability Short Fixed Income Fund were amended. The disclosure versions for the pre-contractual disclosures / website disclosures were therefore updated to v.3 / v.3.0.0.

The Funds now exclude companies identified as operating in a manner inconsistent with responsible business conduct standards, such as those defined by the UN Global Compact Principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, because of material involvement in severe controversies related to the environment (e.g. land use and biodiversity, toxic spills and releases, operational waste or water management), society (e.g. child labour or human rights) or corporate governance (e.g. corruption or fraud).

As a result, the Environmental/Social (E/S) characteristics of the Funds were regrouped and a new E/S characteristic was added to the Funds.

The website disclosures for all Dimensional Sustainability Funds were amended. The disclosure version was therefore updated to v.2.0.1. Main changes:

  1. Section “Methodologies for environmental or social characteristics”: added clarifying information about the applicable universes used for the measurement of the sustainability indicators.
  2. Section “Limitations to methodologies and data”: added clarifying information about the applied procedures in case of unavailable data.
  3. Section “Investment strategy”: added clarifying information about how a material involvement in a severe controversy is assessed.

As required by the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/363, the pre-contractual disclosures for all Dimensional Sustainability Funds were amended to include additional information on potential investments in fossil gas and/or nuclear energy related activities that comply with the EU Taxonomy. The disclosure version was therefore updated to v.2.


This material is not directed at any person in any jurisdiction where the availability of this material is prohibited or would subject Dimensional or its products or services to any registration, licensing, or other such legal requirements within the jurisdiction.

“Dimensional” refers to the Dimensional separate but affiliated entities generally, rather than to one particular entity. These entities are Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd., Dimensional Ireland Limited, DFA Australia Limited, Dimensional Fund Advisors Canada ULC, Dimensional Fund Advisors Pte. Ltd., Dimensional Japan Ltd., and Dimensional Hong Kong Limited. Dimensional Hong Kong Limited is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission to conduct Type 1 (dealing in securities) regulated activities only and does not provide asset management services.


Issued by Dimensional Ireland Limited (Dimensional Ireland), with registered office 3 Dublin Landings, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland. Dimensional Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (Registration No. C185067).


Issued by Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd. (Dimensional UK), 20 Triton Street, Regent’s Place, London, NW1 3BF. Dimensional UK is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) - Firm Reference No. 150100.